Coranavirus Update - Suspension of all Public Services

17th March, 2020

The safety and wellbeing of our customers and volunteers is of the utmost importance to us and we have been monitoring the Government guidance that's been promulgated.

With immediate effect, the Company has taken the decision to suspend the operation of all passenger services and close the site to all members of the public. The station shop, museum and both the RMB and the buffet car will all remain closed until further notice.

No Members of the public will be permitted on site until further notice..

This is going to be a challenging time for all heritage railways as we rely on footfall to keep us running. Your understanding, patience, and co-operation is appreciated and we thank you all in advance for your ongoing support.

Guidelines for Working Volunteers

The station will be kept open for working volunteers who wish to come to the site and continue working on projects or other tasks

1/ Attendance is purely voluntary and no one should feel that they need to come in and potentially put themselves or others at risk.

2/ Volunteers should follow the same restrictions as current NHS guidelines:

3/ Volunteers should try to space out their attendance on-site over a number of days. If you normally attend on a Monday, consider attending on another weekday instead to ensure that not everyone is together on the same day, therefore reducing the risk of spreading any infection.

4/  Consider nominating one or more members of your team to wipe down door handles and other 'touchpoints' each day after they have been used.  

5/  We advise no cooking. Bring in your own food and eat outside where possible or in your car. Do not all congregate in the TCL

6/ Volunteers should maintain a suitable distance between each other - at least one-yard distance.

7/ Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds, each time using soap and water, or use hand sanitiser.

8/ Consider wearing gloves when working to cut down the risk of cross-contamination.

9/ Personal waste (such as used tissues) and disposable cleaning cloths should be put securely into disposable rubbish bags. These bags should be put inside another bag, tied securely and kept separate from other waste. These bags should be set aside for at least 72 hours before being put in the usual external waste bin

10/ To minimise the possibility of dispersing the virus through the air, do not shake out your dirty overalls - take them home and wash as per the manufacturer's instructions.

Coronavirus symptoms are:

If following working on site, you do subsequently start to display any of these symptoms, seek medical guidance and also notify the Company or Trust in order that we can notify other personnel and check on their medical conditions.
Thank you.