Appeals Update - 2020
Looking back on 2020 and despite all the restrictions and changes to our lives due to Covid, once again, our supporters have been incredibly generous with their donations to our two main appeals. The RMB total currently stands at £8,750.00 and the Bringing home the goods appeal at £3,428.00. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who donated and to those of you still considering donating, please do so, we still require additional money to complete the work on the RMB and continue the restoration of our growing wagon fleet.
Work on the RMB progressed throughout last year and despite volunteers having to work under Covid social distancing restrictions, completed the work on the interior, see below for further information. We still require additional funds that will permit the exterior of the coach to be prepared, painted and varnished.
Progress continues on the two mineral wagons, with all the metal treated and corroded steel, cut out and replaced. Further donations will not only permit this restoration work to continue but also enable the Trust to purchase and overhaul other wagons to add to our expanding wagon fleet and enable us to recreate a typical 1950s era goods train.
RMB Appeal Update 2020 - £8,750.00
For those people who have been following the refurbishment of the RMB coach during 2020 through the various news items, you will have seen the fantastic work that the volunteers have completed on refurbishing the interior of the coach.
Its been completely stripped out, all woodwork sanded down and repainted or varnished, new linoleum on the floor, all the seats reupholstered, new low voltage lighting fitted and in December 2020, the railway was able to bring it back into use on the Santa trains. In addition to the refurbishment, work was conducted on the vacuum release valves and a successful brake test was undertaken. A successful steam heat test was also carried out.
We are immensely proud of the hard work that our volunteers have put into this work and the standard of craftsmanship is fabulous. Later, this year, we look forward to welcoming back visitors to the railway and you will have the opportunity to sit inside and enjoy the refreshments that are available.
The appeal to date has raised a fantastic £8.750.00. However, we still need your donations to reach our target of £10,000 that will enable us to complete a full exterior repaint of the vehicle and apply the lining out, 'BUFFET' and BR Emblems to the coach.
Mineral Wagons - Appeal Update 2020 - £3,428.00
Work on the two mineral wagons continued during the latter half of 2020, with the two wagons being shot-blasted and treated with a rust inhibitor. Corroded steel has been cut away and new steel plate formed to shape and welded in place.
During the last few months of the year, due to the lack of covered accommodation and poor weather conditions, little progress has been made of late. The plan for 2021 is to continue the work on the two wagon bodies - subject to funds - and once all the replacement steelwork is in place, repaint the two wagons for use in our demonstration goods train.
The Trust has identified further wagons - including a number of 16-ton mineral wagons - that subject to funds we wish to purchase.
We would like to thank all those supports who have previously donated and would ask those of you who haven't to please consider making a donation no matter how small, every pound helps with the restoration work.