First Customer of the new Miniature Buffet Service
What a day to launch our new minature buffet car service - Sunday 4th October.
Torrential rain but this did not deter the few hardy souls who had pre-booked to enjoy a ride on our trains which were running that day.
Our very first customer was Paul Tomes from Christchurch enjoying a cup of coffee and very glad to be out of the rain. He was served by volunteer Paul Short who has worked hard to ensure we could have the minature buffet service up and running.
All who travelled on our trains throught the day were pleased to find our new buffet car service open and we did a very steady trade with hot drinks.
Subject to having volunteers available, we plan to have our minature buffet car open each Sunday we are running trains. We offer a range of tea, coffees and hot chocolate - all leading branded products - soft drinks, canned beers, crisps, chocolate and snack bars.
The carriage, known in railway parlance as an RMB or Rail Minature Buffet, will eventually form part of our regular fleet of operational carriages.
It is currently undergoing a program of extensive renovation before that can happen, but we can now at least provide this serivce of drinks and snacks. Our aim is to have it fully operational in time for our Santa on the Train events this coming December.
The RMB is the subject of an appeal to help with the restoration costs. If you would like to make a donation of even just a few pounds you can do so here.