Preparing for the Re-Opening in April
January 1st saw the last public trains of the winter, but its been far from quiet at the station. The volunteers have been busy preparing for the coming season, and there is plenty to be getting on with. There are are the routine maintenance jobs, but there is also a lot of work that can only be done out of season.
Every Sunday during the winter our Permanent Way team have been working away on clearing trackside vegetation to get things back to how they should be for when the railway re-opens on Sunday 6th April. This has involved countless hours of hacking away at undergrowth, brambles and trees to reveal the proper extent of the space between the cess (the area to the outside of the track) and our boundary fence. It's looking so much better with things trimmed back!
The equally large challenge will be to keep it that way as spring growth starts to break through again. If anyone feels they'd like to contribute with their labour (no pay but the comradeship is good) then come down to the station any Sunday no later than 09:00 hrs and lend a hand.
Alterntively to find out more about volunteeing and the many roles you could undertake, contact [email protected].