Santa at the Station 2024
The final Santa Trains for 2024 ran on Sunday 22nd December. The event ran over four weekends, starting on Sunday 1st December, and was very well supported. Many trains were sold out, keeping Santa busy in his grotto.
We were lucky to have the loan of the steam loco Uskmouth 1 from the Dean Forest Railway, who we must thank for helping us out at the last minute. The steam engine ceratinly added to the atmosphere, and was popular with passengers young and old.
Unfortunately we fell victim to the weather on Saturday 7th December, having to cancel the morning trains due to a severe weather warning. Luckily we managed to run the afternoon trains, despite the windy conditions.
We were joined over the weekends by several bands, including the Paulton Ukelele Band, and Mendip Brass Band. They kept passengers entetained whilst waiting for their trains or to see Santa.
The children were happy to see Santa who had managed to find some time in his busy schedule to meet them in his grotto. With goody bags, mince pies and mulled apple juice available there was plenty to keep people happy. Whilst it might not have seemed cold enough, there was plenty of snow, thanks to the snow machine, which most of the children loved, although a few of the younger ones weren't so sure.
We hope that eveyone had a good time, and despite it being a lot of hard work, the volunteers enjoyed putting on the event.
Thank you to everyone who came along and supported the railway. Thanks also to all the volunteers for their time, enthisiasm and hard work. We wil hopefully do it all again next year!