South West in Bloom
Led by Head of Gardens Gail Coleshill, they started with a cup of tea on the patio sitting at one of the splendid recycled plastic picnic tables. Volunteer Paul Short served tea from the newly refurbished mini buffet car parked alongside. The patio border viewed from there was built on some of the waste infill from the old station and has taken a lot of patience with planting and weeding helped in no small part with wood chippings from B&NES parks department. The judge was impressed by the station co-operation with local Councils, schools and local visiting groups to achieve a wonderful plant display.
The Judge was taken to see the cottage garden displays on the road borders with their emphasis on insect-attracting plants and low maintenance perennials and shrubs. The border by the signal box has many plants to suit the fifties era and he was particularly taken by the way the Heritage buildings had been restored and harmonised with the planting. The newly erected 'new to us' garden shed fits in to the era.
The Volunteers will not know what level award they have achieved until the award ceremony in October but they are amply rewarded by the pleasure taken by visitors to the Midsomer Norton South station.
Gail Coleshill said “People have been very welcome over the summer weekends when we have been giving rides on trains hauled by visiting steam locomotive 'Austin' as well as our resident Joyce and the Diesels and we would like to thank all the visitors who have made all our hard work worthwhile"
“You can purchase a ‘Ticket to Ride’ on the website, including Driver experience days on ‘Austin’ or why not join the team as a working volunteer. The 7th and 8th of August is our volunteer weekend experience and you can apply for that on the website too.
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