Station Signs - Running In Board
As part of the Trusts continuing aim to return the station to its 1950's appearance under BR Southern Region control, yesterday we moved a step further with reinstatement of the frame for the running in board adjacent to the Down Side platform. The metal sign declaring 'Midsomer Norton South' is currently being manufactured and will be delivered shortly.
The photograph shows one of our Trustees and working members - Phil Jones - tightening up the nuts to secure the wooden frame to the original concrete posts.
To facilitate the Trust to continue progressing the restoration and better facilities at the station with the intention of attracting more visitors whose revenue will support the development of the railway further, we would again like to take this opportunity to remind our Members who have not yet returned their form - which was recently sent out with the Chairman's letter about the Outline Planning Application (OPA) - to please do so.
As mentioned previously the Trust is very pleased to announce that we have received a large number of responses to the letter (OPA). Equally though we are aware that there are still members who have not returned their forms and we wish to receive your feedback and comments.
Thank you for your continued support!