New Projects Skills Audit

The railway now has ambitious plans to expand in a number of key areas as stated in the Strategic Plan & New Projects article. To deliver these projects a project management team has been set up – reporting to the Trust – and this small team will be coordinating and planning the many tasks required to successfully deliver the work.

The railway does currently does have a range of skills and experience in-house, however with the increased demands that the two main projects will put on our volunteer workforce, we are keen to attract both new volunteers and also obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the skills that we have amongst our current volunteers. 

The railway therefore is asking that all working volunteers, together with those members who would like to get involved at this exciting time in the railways growth contact any of the following people below with details of your skills, experience and contact details which will be added to our skills database. 

The Project team are especially interested to hear from people with administrative skills, engineering and mechanical experience, together with various trades. 

Please send your information to Brian or Stephen.          

Published By:

Somerset & Dorset Railway Heritage Trust 30th July, 2018

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